Monday, September 20, 2010

October 7 is the new March 4th

UC student flyer
Student and education activists across California (and beyond) are organizing a "day of action" in support of public education on October 7.

Members of the labor council, along with CFA student interns, have been meeting this summer to plan a October 7th rally on our campus. 

Updated Info!
Thursday, October 7@ 12 NOON
Rally to Defend Public Education
Location: Meet on the steps of Meiklejohn to begin the march. 
Our march/procession will be choreographed on the spot by Eric Kupers.  Wear white if would like to participate in the performance (all welcome! no experience necessary!)

Our event will include dynamic speeches and performances, featuring State Senator Dr. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco), members of the theater department, Latino/a studies students, and more!  

Please support this event and help us strengthen the bonds of solidarity on our campus. Learn about the struggles of CSUEU, APC, and SETU. They are dealing with serious issues, including the university (perhaps through the foundation?) hiring non-union contract labor to perform duties formerly performed by union labor.

As an ethnic studies professor, I teach my students about the value of social struggle and its ability to create meaningful social change. The lead film in one of my courses is Salt of the Earth (1954, dir. H. Biberman).  In this film, a group of Mexican American miners face a long and arduous strike to get fair wages and working conditions. To win the battle, the entire community must come together. One of the strongest cinematic moments in the film is when the camera pans up to the hills surrounding the mine to reveal streams of women from neighboring villages coming over the hills to join the picket line. To me, this scene is emblematic of the power of solidarity.

Our battle to defend public education is not going to be easy. But I know I want to do my part to be part of this larger movement. I don't want to look back and say that I stood by passively while our public university was sold off piece by piece. I do believe that the organizing around March 4 last year helped to change the discourse in Sacramento so that leaders felt that further cuts would lead to more vigorous protests and organizing. In short, I think the protests were effective. But that shouldn't lead us to be complacent. Rather, it should encourage us to continue organizing.

On October 7, let's stand strong in defense of public education.
CSUEB flyer

1 comment:

  1. The Academic Senate of the CSU (statewide Senate) endorsed the October 7 date at its plenary meeting last week.
